I think our society as a whole is very poorly aware of this issue. And the more time passes, the more objectively we can look at this question.
Soviet scientists are a unique phenomenon in world history, and as it was, it is unlikely to ever happen again.

I was lucky to find some of them - those who were 20 years old in the 50s and 60s. Those who saw with their own eyes the day of Gagarin’s flight into space and who not just seen it, but were directly or indirectly involved in this great breakthrough of all human civilization. And I must say that these are completely other people. Now such people on the entire planet, probably, can be counted on fingers. But that time in the USSR there were hundreds, thousands of such people

These are people who deeply and sincerely believed that everything is possible. I mean absolutely everything. I will repeat once again - so that it comes to the mind - to the heart - everything is possible and that’s the point. And no “BUT”. They absolutely knew that they had the power to build communism. And not the communism that was finally built by the traitors of the Russian people — communism with lawlessness, poverty, barracks — into which ⅙ of the land was turned. They believed and knew that it was precisely possible to build a welfare society. Where everything will be in abundance, where people will be free and the best creative impulses of the human soul will get a chance to be realized.

Nowadays, most of the society has a sharply negative attitude towards communism, and I risk only mentioning this term to incur the anger of the people. But I still have the courage to declare - there was a substitution of concepts. What is now called the "scoop" and consider communism has to it the same attitude as a dirty puddle on the road called the ocean. And this is the softest comparison. What happened in the USSR after Khrushchev’s resignation cannot be called anything but dictatorship and obscurantism. And this period of history has nothing in common with communism.
And I’m not afraid of this word - communism, real communism - is about to be introduced in the USA, where many key billionaires such as Ilon Mask and Mark Zuckerberg are in favor of the idea of introducing universal basic income. Especially in the era of the onset of artificial intelligence.

I am absolutely convinced that if the Soviet breakthrough into space would retain its dynamics - then 30 years ago we would have mastered Mars, invented artificial intelligence, would have overcome poverty and major diseases, and maybe even would have conquered death itself.

I know for sure that now we would have mastered the entire solar system - we would build cities in space and the first expedition to the nearest star would have already arrived at its destination.

In the west, Soviet scientists do not like because of jealousy of their success, in modern Russia, 99% of the population knows nothing about them at all.

And meanwhile, not only the cosmic successes Sergey Korolev deserve to remain for centuries.

But the creation of thermonuclear weapons for the sake of the world by Andrei Sakharov, who restored the balance of power on the planet and, together with the Korolev’s rockets, did not allow third world war to be happened

This is the unique Soviet programmers who wrote the brain for the Russian shuttle Buran under the guidance of the constructor Lozino Lozinsky. And thus stopped the star wars.

Buran himself flew into space and returned back to a fully automatic mode.

This is the first and most powerful supersonic passenger plane Tu-144 in the world.

This invention of the tomograph by a Soviet engineer, whose works were ignored in the USSR, but were understood in the west.

This is a unique all-titanium submarine "Komsomolets", plunging to a depth of more than 1 km, 3 times deeper than the most modern submarines in the world. And it's not about the war. All of these discoveries have a grand peaceful application! Just imagine that this thing could plunge deeper than all the others into the ocean of Jupiter’s companion, Europe, ocean with 100 kilometers deep, and who knows, maybe it could be the first time in human history to discover alien life.

Soviet scientists knew that everything was possible. Unfortunately, in an unfree country, they could not implement their technologies for the benefit of all mankind and make them widespread. But history will preserve the memory of those who, for the first time in history, forced all of humanity to break away from their tiny blue planet and believe in a dream!

It was they, Soviet scientists, who provoked the emergence of the modern Silicon Valley in the US as a competitive challenge in the fight in the area technology. And now this valley pushes humanity forward.

We should be grateful to them, the true heroes of a bygone era, for our modern technological civilization. If they had a historic chance, the world would have been an even more beautiful place than we know it now.
