An ordinary person is rarely seriously interested in questions - how intellect can be arranged in principle, intellect is irrespective of man. Meanwhile, when creating artificial intelligence, we must raise the question in this way.

Is our intellect unique? How much it is developed and whether it is necessary to try to repeat the intellect of the person? Perhaps, we must at once try to make a system much more efficient than ourselves. And it will look like us just like we are like our pets.

So let's look first at the mental faculties of our younger brothers before creating an older brother. The newest studies show that many animals are very smart.

The elder brother from the work of Orwell George "1984"
Many species of animals have a social hierarchy: wolves, bees, ants, rats, dolphins.

Many build their own dwelling: beavers, octopuses, birds.

Some even create and use the simplest tools: not only primates, but also, for example, Raven (he knows how to make hooks out of wire and get with help of them inaccessible objects).

Or even elephants can move things consciously to stand on them and get high situated food.

And pigs in general have mastered work with a computer mouse in the form of a joystick using their piglet and with the help of joystick recognises geometric figures on the screen.

Many people can count (for example, dogs up to 5), bees or horses.

And some have even such features of intelligence that a person could envy: for example, dolphins has two hemisphere of the brain, and when one of them sleeps, the second is always awake.

Or a bat that emits ultrasonic waves in flight and, analyzing their reflection, hunts in this way.

But for all, without exception, higher animals endowed with sight, there is an absolutely fantastic ability that most researchers do not pay due attention - it's the ability to recognize images. Animals see the world not as noise from color and light, but as a set of individual objects endowed with properties.

To understand how important this is, consider the problem of pattern recognition. As you know, it has already been possible to write largely effective programs for recognizing images and sounds using neural networks. But all these programs need millions of learning attempts before they recognize and distinguish, for example, the face of one person from another. All of them study mostly haphazardly, chaotically and very, very long and very, very inefficiently.

Another thing animals - most of the higher animals, for example, a dog, once it is enough to see a person - and she can remember his face for life and always distinguish from other people.

Those. Once again the dog has one attempt - modern software neural networks have millions of attempts.

In the brain of higher animals, the most powerful algorithms for comparing images and separating some objects of the surrounding world from others have been sewn up from birth.

What does a dog know how to do comparing with such a great difficulty modern smart algorithms? The dog sees the face not as a noise from color and light, but as a set of objects: the mouth, eyes, hair, nose. And she knows the features of these objects in some people and knows how to distinguish them from other people very effectively and quickly.

This is exactly what the Pangeya technology offers! This is the key, and it remains only to bring it and open the door to the wonderland!

The intelligence of animals has a number of other features that are absolutely necessary to be analyzed.
1)The brain has a number of key parameters by which it is possible to assess the level of its development: the number of neurons in millions of pieces and the mass of the brain in grams.

And according to these parameters: elephants, dolphins and killer whales either approach or exceed a person! For example:
In humans, 11 500 million neurons and a brain weight of 1400 grams
The elephant has 11,000 million neurons and a brain weight of 4200 grams
In killer whales, 10 500 million neurons and a brain weight of 6350 grams
The dolphin has 5 800 million neurons and a brain weight of 1350 grams
We see that the size of the brain in dolphins is larger and the structure is better than man (one hemisphere is always active), but less than the gyri

To the right is the dolphin's brain, to the left - the human
Elephants and killer whales generally have smart indicators, but too much body weight for some reason levels their advantage over the human.

Elephants up to 7 tons, killer whales to 9 tons
2)Life expectancy - bears and elephants live for a long time, as a human, up to 70 years. But no one teaches them during the whole life! And in many ways, therefore, they do not open all their potential.

If to teach them how users can learn artificial intelligence Pangeya - they could achieve fantastic results.
But I believe that if you invent that very super-twisted technology of biological immortality and apply it to animals, you will be able to prove experimentally that if you train a bear or an elephant all the time during, for example, 300-500 years. Then it will be quite possible to bring it to the level of a person. As well, any other animal with biological parameters similar to humans.

3)The convenience of physiology for the use of tools
For example, a pig can sit in a geometric Internet - this is proved by experiment, where it moved the mouse cursor on the screen with the help of a joystick, convenient for its pigle. And she could very effectively distinguish between geometric figures on the screen.

I'm sure we just need to make joysticks for the the killer whale and the elephant too suitable for their physiology- they will learn a lot!

4)Physiology of communication with relatives: only the parrot has a sufficiently flexible language apparatus for the full imitation of man in the richness of sounds and shades of sounds. If you find a way to endow with the same effective speech apparatus to the higher animals, they will be able to communicate with us and with their own kind, literally - talk!

Animals are extremely intelligent and in no way more stupid than us, people. It just so happened in the evolution that they do not have enough then those other factors of the four mentioned above.

And for a complete success we need all 4 factors.
And when we take all the best from the already available in nature technologies of intellect, not only human. And when we give it a technological acceleration - we are waiting for a meeting with a new mind - artificial!
