Article of 2011, I deliberately cite it without changes, in order to finally analyze how the world has changed since then

The phrase "advertising is not cool" was taken by me from the Russian translation of the film "Social Network" that made a lot of noise about the greatest breakthrough of the last decade - the creation of social networks. That's what the actor who played Mark Zuckerberg said: "Facebook is cool, this is its main feature, and you do not have to kill it with advertising, because advertising is not cool."

When I hear the word "advertising" - I come to mind an interesting scene, which I saw a long time ago in the comedy show. On TV the advertisement of the Baskin-Robbins cafe network was extremely popular and everyone was horribly tired of a huge ice cream man running around the TV screen, shouting: "Come to Cafe Baskin-Robbins!". So this very ice-cream man runs out onto the stage in comedy show with all the familiar screams and one of the people standing there says: "And now we will do what every TV viewer dreams about in secret!" "That's right - come to Cafe Baskin-Robbins! "- cries out the restless ice cream - and here those who stand on the stage begin to batter this advertiser from the bottom of the heart! It is about this, not about coming to a cafe - every TV viewer dreams. God forbid, do not think that I'm against a particular cafe - I do not like advertising in principle. It is imperfect in its very nature. This crutch, which is used, until people come up with something more effective. And this most "more effective" is just around the corner.

"What is the relation of advertising to scientific and technical progress, which is the main purpose of my description?" - you ask. At the moment, the most direct. And it's not even that advertising helps sell the fruits of this very progress. Advertising formed the world's largest Internet companies. Advertising has created a "search", advertising has created "social networks" - it is advertising. If somewhere now the future is created, then in such companies as Yandex and Google, Facebook and VKontakte. What kind of advertising is this? Let's consider the issue in more detail.

The first step in the way of advertising service to progress was really "search" and advertising there was "contextual", i.e. Depending on the user's request, there were links to syntactically similar sponsored links. And on clicks on these links Google and Yandex made their billions. Do not blame me strictly, that I do not adhere to the greatest generality of the exposition, but I cite specific examples and specific figures, it just seems to me that it will be clearer. I also do not give references to sources, I just saw and collected these data in dozens of articles and now I do not remember where and what exactly I read. So, how much are they worth and how much do they earn - are these corporations generated by advertisement? The value of Google's shares exceeds $ 100 billion, and the annual net profit from advertising is about $ 5 billion. The cost of Yandex shares at a recent IPO was about $ 13 billion, and the annual advertising revenue is $ 350-400 million. This is a lot, you will agree. This is enough to create the future in the way it is creating now.

And 7 years ago, everyone was sure that it was "search" that creates the future. And there can hardly be "suddenly" something that will become more meaningful and in some way more effective. Hardly something can compare to the scale of money, ideas, people involved ... But then, like a bolt from the blue, Mark Zuckerberg and his "social network" appear. What is so innovative about it? Much, very much written about social networks. But I want to consider them in connection with the "contextual" advertising that has already fmiliar to us. What can be contextual advertising on the social network, because there is no search for goods? But A contextual advertising exist! In the context of what is it going? Of course, in the context of the user profile description. The potential of this idea is not fully understood until now. The main idea is that the user is no longer looking for the goods - the product suitable for him is looking for the user himself, automatically. I noticed that people just starting to master the Internet do not know how to make queries to search engines to find what they need. Because it is difficult. Because even this is a small art. Because in the end, "you have to think" when you are making a request, and thinking is hard work. Another thing is that you once describe yourself in the profile of a social network and it itself is looking for you for something that might seem interesting to you. Thus, social networks are a kind of "search", but only a "new generation" (but so far very very primitive).

Let's turn on our imagination and imagine that a person can describe himself in more detail than contact information, interests and hobbies. As much detail as our family and friends know us. And imagine an already existing search engine so intelligent that it will continually analyze our profiles and advise us with more and more accuracy the goods and services that suit us. Presented?..................................... Well done.
And even after all this (which else really is not), I say - advertising is not cool. And that's why. Social networks have brought much more important for a person than a convenient means for communication or effective automatic search of advertising. They opened the way to a much more important phenomenon. Let me give a few figures to begin with. Let's see how much the above social networks earn? Facebook 400-500 million dollars a year, VKontakte - 100-120 million dollars a year. Ie Each user roughly brings his social network 1 dollar per year net profit. Just doing nothing. Just through advertising. How much do our prophets of the future cost? Facebook about 50 billion dollars (hypothetically at the moment), Contact about $ 2 billion (hypothetically at the moment). If you compare these figures with the numbers of search engines - the figures are similar. The order of the numbers is approximately the same. But now let's ask ourselves a lot of this or a little - again? And I'll venture to say now - it's not enough. I'm not an idealist, a man quite earthly. I think that this is not enough. All these Internet companies: "searches" and "social networks" are cooked in their own juice. They do not go beyond advertising and the Internet. Although Google is very trying to create something completely new (voice search, three-dimensional maps of the world, cloud operating systems). But these attempts are just the beginning.

Why is this not enough? Because such research as the creation of new types of weapons, space, development of other planets (the base on the Moon, flight to Mars), the victory over deadly diseases and the cultivation of new organs in place of old ones, research in the field of thermonuclear energy - for these corporations are too hard. Because they are tied up in advertising. And the world market of advertising is limited in principle. And this border is not so high - I think a maximum of several tens of billions of dollars a year at all. That's why advertising is not cool. And what then is "cool"? I will give one example, exactly one, but very revealing. Apple Corporation does not engage in advertising as a business at all, it is not a social network. But the projected net profit for 2011 is 30 billion dollars - that is, 6 times more than Google earns. 6 times !!! I would even say that the entire global advertising market in a sense with one Apple is comparable. The thing is that their business is not advertising - but the creation of new technologies. This is their business, not a by-product of their activities. This is their zest. By creating tablet computers and smartphones, they turned the world around. They made the mechanisms of working with information more convenient. They created "new technologies" - and this, I believe, is "cool".

And now about the main thing - we will return to social networks. The robot analyzer, of course, can analyze profiles and give advertising to people. But let's go a little further in our dreams. Imagine that really smart people described in their profiles not only their hobbies and everyday needs. They also wrote about what they know in science. How far advanced in their studies. But they did this description uniformly. In the same unified, personal form, if you like. And now the robot analyzer will not only advertise, but compare the scientific ideas of different people, introduce these people among themselves. Help them to exchange ideas themselves. Thus, in fact, the robot will be the main scientist on the planet, suggesting ideas to those who really need them. Scientific progress will accelerate in an unimaginable number of times and will not be limited to anything more (like as income from it). Because if advertising is in the framework of progress, then the progress itself has no framework. And he brings revenues much more than advertising. That's why advertising is not cool.
Article 2019, what is the world now?

I am happy to say that much is happening in what I said: "cool" - "do not clicking on advertising," "cool" - "is to create new breakthrough technologies" - and the brightest example of this is Elon Mask.

ОHe finally finalized his space rockets, electric cars and solar roofs to be loved by the whole world! He changes the world of technology - the way it should be. he changes the world physically.
And now, real flights to Mars on reusable rockets are just around the corner.
And now the first trilliarder of the planet - Elon Musk - is just around the corner.

And here is quite close to the global satellite grouping of the accessible space Internet.

And now, along the roads of cities, the most real robots drive, cars are times safer and more reliable than living drivers. And what is especially important is absolutely clean and quiet cars.

And now households can be completely autonomous in any region of the Earth, where there is a lot of sunlight.

This is already exist, it's already here!
But what awaits us very soon? What is unrelenting - the performance after the performance - says Elon Mask himself? What is he constantly thinking about? Do you hear him, people ???
He screams, he calls, he exclaims about the coming artificial intelligence! He is afraid of him and trembles before him!

Once again - it's not anyone who screams, but it is Elon Mask! A man who proved that his words turn into deeds!
And right now the technology Pangeya is launched! Technology, which was only thought 6 years ago! And here she is, she is! She, of course, is still very young and fragile. Of course, it needs dissemination, study and refinement - but it is already with us. This future artificial mind does not yet know how to speak, it has no mouth and no eyes. He can not shake our hand. But his brain was already formed and began to be filled with knowledge. The basic codes are written - and we have only to be patient and meet the wonderful new world!
