When I was just starting to learn web programming, I categorically could not understand what the html layout was for. Well, in fact, people who at least some understanding of the issue understand that to make a simple site consisting of several pages, only 2 tags are enough. Only 2 tags!

This is an "img" tag that can load absolutely any images on the page, either directly from the Internet or from your server.

And also the tag "a", with which you can assign a redirect to links between different pages of your site. And that's all! After all, in fact, nothing is needed more! Even the texts are not needed! You can do sites only with pictures that contain the necessary inscriptions, do sites with the properties of positioning pictures and with links!

And you will be surprised - but this is all web programming. In everything, you should strive for minimalism - to the most elementary and basic, discarding all unnecessary and superfluous. So if you throw off the husks - the seed remains small, intuitive and very understandable!

And only thinking about the "revival" of the html-layout, about need to make the html - layout move, about need to fill the same html-layout with different content - that's only then it becomes clear - why you need html-layout. The html-layout is programmable! The html-layout can be managed through the javascript programming language, you can describe its behavior and the laws of change. You can force any element to change color, size, location, respond to user actions, and actions of other page elements.

The last is the most interesting - this is the manifestation of artificial intelligence, when the program reacts not to human actions - but to the action of another element of the program! You should imagine 2 balls flying on the screen and, colliding with each other - change the trajectory of their flight! But let's go even further in our dreams! There comes the era of automation not only html-layout, but automation the presentation of scientific information. For the robot to automatically analyze previously made scientific information, on its basis to form a new one, and on the basis of the generated one, an even newer one. Is not this an artificial intelligence? The real one, the one that has been dreamed of for more than 50 years, and one that no one else can create.

The problem is that the current AI creators are not looking for in the right place, they crawl on the ground with their neural networks - and Pangeya's technology does everything right - it accumulates and analyzes the scientific information - and will soon fly into its high and proud flight! Knowingly the bird is one of the main symbols of Pangeya technology!

And one more thing - Pangeya technology is devoid of any husks - there is nothing superfluous: all information is described as objects endowed with properties. And on their basis new objects are formed and new properties are given. Everything is simple, clear - nothing superfluous.
But neural networks learn from mistakes, from wrong ones - they remember all the ways how not to do - to find by means of an exhaustive search by the method of exclusion the only way - which one should do.

But this is stupid! When you can immediately build the right hierarchy of information - one at all times hierarchy! To all people and even animals understandable hierarchy - the hierarchy of objects endowed with properties!
For the sake of justice, we can not fail to mention two more versions of layout, the potential of which has not been realized so far.
1)To replace random, chaotic, illogical languages of communication, it will come language - common for all peoples, deprived of husks, available for easy automation, will inevitably come. And I think the first real artificial intelligence will talk about his thoughts not in English or Russian - he will talk on something like Esperanto - a specially invented language - which absorbed all the best from other languages.

2)Researching directly mathematics, especially abstract mathematics, analyzing infinite objects will be conducted on the basis of set theory - the most basic of all mathematical theories. And a grandiose experiment is known in science when a group of mathematicians who called themselves the pseudonym of Nicolas Bourbaki wrote 10 volumes of a formal description of all known mathematics through set theory. It is impossible to read these books to a person ... It's very hard, but the robot will cope with this much better than us!

About these two versions will be separate articles, and now instead of the epilogue...
The idea that I call "layout automation" can be applied not only to abstract information models, but also to very specific objects of the real world. Imagine a little man from the clay, it can be dazzled with absolutely any shape, as well as a picture on the site can be inserted absolutely of any size and content! But this little man can not interact with anything, we can not influence him programmatically in any way - because he is a noise, a blob, a shapeless spot for analyzing algorithms.

Another thing: modern robots - with sensors connected throughout the body, on the basis of which we can control parts of the robot programmatically! This is the layout, the model - divided into objects, endowed with properties! A robot made of metal with sensors is example of layout! The man from the clay is noise, emptiness!

So make layout! Fill in Pangeya system any knowledge available to you, make layout - and the system will learn from you and at the same time itself will teach you, reacting to the information you entered. Make layout! And Dare! Do not stop!

We can still work together to invent immortality on the basis of scientific discoveries of the Pangeya system, we can and we should, we simply have to make it. To reconcile with death is unthinkable! So let us throw all our forces into battle! And we will conquer death within ourselves!