People have always dreamed of finding out - and what's there ... Far far away ... In the far corners of our Galaxy and even in other Galaxies! What kind of planets are there, is there life there, an intelligent life, and if there is, then what is it? Can we settle there?

According to modern data in our galaxy, in the alone Milky Way more than 200 billion stars, means at least a trillion planets, of which about 10 billion earth-like!

But to fly even to the nearest discovered earth-like planet it needs 4.22 light years (Proxima Centaurus b), it's a cold super earth, the index of land-like is 0.87

The closest warm super-earth is already 16 light-years (the glaze is 832 s), the land-gravity index is 0.81

And to rather good planet 1,400 light-years (kepler 452 b), also warm super-earth, the index of the earth-like ratio is 0.83

And finally one of the newest discoveries of 2015 - warm Earth or Earth2 - Kepler-438b, 470 light years, 0.90

Based on the available technologies, even to reach the closest suitable planet, Proxima Centaurus b, for a large satellite (such as the "New Horizons" recently flown to Pluto) it will take more than 50,000 years with the available technologies,

50 years and $ 200 million 1 gram satellite on a laser beam (project Breakthrough Starshot)

And 50 years of spacecraft with people on board in the case of building a ship on a thermonuclear pulse engine (which at a cost is comparable to the 1000 lunar US programs of the 60s).

Most likely to look for suitable for life planet will come out more difficult and substantially longer than building artificial planets from existing unsuitable planets!

But you need to understand a few things related with this:
1)The creation of planets is exactly possible, but the most difficult thing is not to assemble atoms into the structures we need, the most difficult is to create the atoms themselves!

After all, as is known from modern physics - then complex atoms in the universe appear in very, very unfriendly conditions!
For example, hydrogen in the universe is simply everywhere, it is the first in the periodic table.

We all know that in the Sun as a result of thermonuclear reactions (essentially explosions of giant hydrogen bombs)

hydrogen turns into helium, i.e. From the first in the order of the element of the table is transformed into the second in order element.

According to the latest research in the core of the Sun, due to monstrous temperature and pressure, atoms are formed up to iron! And this for a minute is just the 26th element of more than 100 known elements of the periodic table! And unlike Helium, which is propagated from the surface of the Sun by the solar wind and, for example, which settles by thick layer on the surface of the Moon - there is no way possible to extract iron from the core of the Sun!

And now let's think about even more complex substances - such as gold: this is the 79th element in the table! And the only way to get gold is to blast supernovae stars! Those. In 5 billion years, when the sun burns all the hydrogen, the sun will become significantly heavier and explode - just then our solar system will get iron from the core of the Sun and as a bonus there will still be a very small number of gold atoms!

Those. for the Centuries dream of alchemists about the extraction of a noble metal of gold from simple and cheap substances - this is absolutely real! You just need to blow up the star consisted from simple atoms! And everything will be super! It will be possible to make to itself superfluous ornaments: bracelets and rings.

And this means that we must highly appreciate even such unfriendly for us planets of the solar system - like Venus with its rains from sulfuric acid.

Or Jupiter with its radiation belts. After all, in them, among other things, there is a storehouse of atoms, which are artificially completely unreal to create.

But what's real we can use artificial intelligence to get these atoms out of unfriendly planets, and to print out details for new artificial planets, life-friendly planets on a giant space 3-d printer and place them at the optimal distance from our star of our Sun!

2)Also, not all the planets should be disassembled in pieces, very many celestial bodies of the Solar System, similar in size to the Earth should be just towed to the right distance from the Sun!
You can warm the ice worlds of Mars, Titan, Ganymede, Callisto, Europe and Triton. Or vice versa, you can cool Mercury and Venus. It is possible - but also this towing is a task for artificial intelligence!

3)In his works, Tsiolkovsky also described the artificial cosmic colonies of people in the Earth's orbit and simply in the solar system. And he was a true prophet of the future of mankind!

Pangeya's technology, artificial intelligence is the key to solving such complex problems as extracting the right atoms and combining them into molecules for the design and construction of artificial planets here and now.

This is the only chance to see this miracle of technical thought with your own eyes!
