In all human history no one has ever been able to escape death. But for the first time we, living creatures of the planet Earth, have a chance - this is the new technology of Pangeya - and I'll tell you about it.

Death is a familiar phenomenon. Everyone is dying, rich and poor. And almost all people solve the problem of death in three ways:
1) Some people just do not think about it, they live for the time being until their time runs out
2) Others have humbled themselves and try to extract the maximum of pleasures from life, because one day life will end and enjoyment will end
3) others believed in life after death and relaxed, believing that there was no death
And only very few know and most importantly - they believe that death can be overcome, death is just a problem, this is a task that no one has been able to solve yet. But modern information technologies give us a chance to overcome it.

And I'll tell you how.
Death is programmed in us, in our genes - but 15 years ago the human genome was deciphered and we got a chance to rewrite the program. But already 15 years ago all the key programming technologies were invented, and where is our immortality? You ask. Why during 15 years it was not possible to solve the problem and rewrite this genetic code so as not to die? 15 years is a lot, and thousands of very intelligent scientists have worked and are working on it. And they really do something, but very little and very slowly. I'll venture to suggest that immortality will appear, but we may not have time to live to see it.

The human genome takes from 750 MB to 3 GB of information according to different estimates. According to the most conservative estimates genom is similar billion billion billion times recorded "War and Peace" in 4 volumes of Leo Tolstoy.

Living scientists will need an unimaginable amount of time to understand the genetic code - and even more time to rewrite it. And the only thing that can help us solve this problem is artificial intelligence. He will cope faster, he can make it, and living scientists will not have time in our life. But we have one life and it is sad to live with dreams, that in hundreds of years our descendants will live forever, when in our hands there is a way to live forever here and now. And there is a chance to live forever.
Pangeya technology due to the automatic analysis of structured scientific information will be able to untangle this tangle already during our lifetime. Only we all have to help it. Each of us and simultaneously all together - together we can conquer death.
American businessman Ilon Mask, creator of the most breakthrough in the history companies -Tesla and Space X-believes that the key technologies for the future of mankind are the following:
1) conquest of other planets
2) clean energy
3) artificial intelligence
4) genetics

Yes, it is in this order, exactly so, first artificial intelligence, and then genetics, and , my friends, in another way it does not work. It does not work out in any another way. Too complex task - we and our life. We must apply the achievements of all sciences together, combine hundreds and thousands of discoveries - to solve the problem. But one scientist for life can make 2-3 great discoveries for example, and combine 5-10 discoveries of others. And thousands are needed, millions of discoveries are needed - and not for a whole lifetime, but immediately, now.

And Pangeya's technology knows how to do this, but it needs to be taught everything we know. She is like a small child with an infinitely brisk brain. But this brain needs knowledge so that it can analyze them, and to bring knowledge into it is the task of us, the living users of the Pangeya system
And the last thing, just think, friends. Right now, for the first time in human history, we have a chance to defeat death. Never a single generation before us had such a chance. But we have already acquired all the key technologies for this.
70 years ago we created a computer

25 years ago, created the Internet

20 years ago created a search

10 years ago social networks

And now right now, along with Pangeya's technology for the training of artificial intelligence, history is on its way!
And it remains to do only one, the last step - to the real artificial intelligence. And we will conquer death. And our life is in our hands!
