So today I will talk about games, about their role in training and creating artificial intelligence.
So, why do people play games?
1)Because it gives them a moral and aesthetic pleasure

2)Because in this way they will know the world

3)Because gaining victory in the game or at least a local victory - a person receives moral encouragement. He feels himself to have reached a goal and is ready to set himself a new goal and try to reach it and get a new moral encouragement

Games are good, even animals play games and it is through them that they comprehend the world.

But games have a huge significant drawback - games are perceived by their very meaning as something that is made for fun, frivolous, not really - and as a result, they are of little practical use.

Games will not save people from physical illness and death

Games will not improve the ecology of the planet

Games will not help us build our civilization in the most reasonable way - because games are for fun.

And science is serious, business is serious. But I would like to take both science and business as a game, so that the same positive feelings as in games are accompanied to all who earn money or explore the world.

Why can not this be done almost always? Why are there very few playing scientists and few playing businessmen?
1)Because these games (science and business) are very complex and their rules are often established by nature itself, not by people

2)Because in these games life is Put at stake not for abstract characters, but for living people

3)Because in these games you can not save game, try and lose - and then replay and win. In these games, every failed attempt can be very expensive. There is no right to mistake

But all the same, science and business are better than games, because The reward for victory in science and business can be unusually great - you can change the world in real, in real reality, and not in virtual reality.

Because games have limitations, science has no borders. The universe is infinite - and in the same way the game in the study of its secrets and laws is also infinite.

It's like the difference between mathematicians and programmers - mathematicians do not have a ceiling, they can unlimitedly improve algorithms and come up with more and more. And programmers often use the algorithms invented before them and just combine it.

And lastly - I like to teach children and adult mathematics and programming and try to do it in the form of a game.

I believe that children need to play - including play a computer - where they will learn how to win, get the coveted prize. And everyone needs different time to play enough. But it's better to do it in childhood - in order to play more and more complex games over the years - play to business and science, and to inherit your habit of winning in a computer or on a sports ground to the victory over very difficult tasks - but necessary tasks to be solved! And the return on these tasks will be incommensurably more valuable!
The technology of Pangeya is meant as a kind of game as well - where you try to describe the knowledge you know - and as a response you will receive a response of ideas and knowledge of other people who describe the same thing as you. And together with you and by your teaching artificial intelligence will be trained in the form of a game! To reward us afterwards with dignity for our works, by the invention of fabulous discoveries and technologies!

He will help us to find immortality!

He will teach us to quickly travel in space and visit neighboring galaxies!

And thanks to artificial intelligence, we will be able to create new artificial planets, suitable for life, taking substance from unsuitable planets.

And all this is real! And all this is possible already in our lifetime! It is necessary to invent only artificial intelligence!