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    Name national kombinatorika_049 У одного человека есть 7 книг по математике, а у другого 9 книг
    Name international kombinatorika_049 U odnogo cheloveka est 7 knig po matematike, a u drugogo 9 knig
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    Source of objectCreated by the viewed user
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    602 154  byte
    Date of creation14 February 2016 Year 18H:07M:48S
    Date of update27 March 2023 Year 00H:44M:14S

    Descendants (inherited the property when downloading or lesson) [ kombinatorika_049 У одного человека есть 7 книг по математике, а у другого 9 книг kombinatorika_049 U odnogo cheloveka est 7 knig po matematike, a u drugogo 9 knig ]
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